Information for the benefit of the whole community.

Word around Harbourwood is:




Election Edition - January 2025

We continue to provide information to all the owners in our community.

For the past few issues, we have given you a look at how our HOA operates. It is not a very pretty picture. It is up to us, the owners, to make certain that we do not allow what has transpired here to continue.

Tuesday’s election for Board of Director seats is a critical one for the future of this community. Three directors will be elected to serve a three-year term and one to serve out the remaining one year of a resigned director.

The acrimony and disfunction that the past two boards have had should not be allowed to remain in the hands of the people who created most of it.

We must select experienced, knowledgeable, and well-meaning individuals. These should be people who will put their personal feelings aside to make decisions for the benefit of the ENTIRE community. The willingness to disagree respectfully without confrontation. The ability to compromise when needed, with an overall capacity to look for the long-term future of Harbourwood. THEY SHOUD NOT BE SELF-SERVING OBSTRUCTIONESTS. NOT BE ARROGANT AND NOT BE SULEYMANOV OR SIGAL!